mercredi 19 août 2009

12 commentaires:

j a dit...

welcome to florida. spanish moss abounds.

Asia a dit...

Ah, the last thing I need is a welcome to florida. A farewell would be much more appreciated when the time comes for me to leave. Ah.

j a dit...

don't get tangled in the spanish moss. everyone here wants to leave, but can't.

Asia a dit...

I'm not sure who you are, but are you in the same pool of quick sand? Do you get your fingers tangled in the moss, as well?

j a dit...

i'm not sure who i am either. i came to florida after burning down my apartment in california. i found you on seeing is stealing.

Asia a dit...

I see. Interesting, as you are. I enjoy your blog.

j a dit...

thanks, i obviously enjoy yours. are you from florida or did you move here?

Asia a dit...

I've never been anywhere else, unfortunately. How do you like it, and more importantly why are you here?

j a dit...

that's strange, for some reason i was under the impression that you were a transplanted canadian. which is why i said, "welcome to florida." maybe by looking at your pictures on seeing is stealing, i concocted a fictional history that i attached to you. oops.

i'm in florida because i couldn't afford to live in cali after accidentally burning my place down. orlando's cheaper and i'm going to school here.

if it's any consolation, your pictures look otherworldly, so much so that i couldn't tell you were a native of florida.

j a dit...

not really a fan of florida, i'll never call it "home."

Asia a dit...

That's funny; I've always seen myself living in Montreal in the next two years or so. It's a dream land to me. Orlando is nice and comfortable, but it's a skip and a hop away from me so it doesn't hold any surprises for me anymore. Is there another way of contacting you without using blog comments? It's making me look falsely popular.

j a dit...

yeah, sorry. didn't mean to monopolize your comment section. my email is

i have facebook and myspace too. you could probably just google me. something will come up.